Engine Room Graphics Department "Short Run Templates"

Below are lists of Short Run Templates for downloading onto your computer. If for any reason you are having problems with either downloading the files, how to open them on your computer, or how to use them? Please contact Amy Hills by clicking on the email link below. Under most circumstances someone will get back to you immediately, but, please allow for 12-24 hours for us to return your email. Or, feel free to call us at 212-625-3467.


Please take the time to read how to prepare your graphics from the Graphics Page. There are comprehensive directions for you to follow.

Please provide us with your artwork at 300 dpi CMYK tiff or eps files, preferably using Macintosh format, with files submitted on a disk with a complete layout (backtray, CD booklet, CD label, text). Please be sure to include a 3mm bleed as indicated in the insert templates.

Short Run Eps Templates MAC and PC Downloads
2pp Front Card Click Here To Download!
4pp Insert Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Cover Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Inside Click Here To Download!
On Disk Printing Click Here To Download!
Standard Amaray Cover Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Inner Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Click Here To Download!
Short Run PDF Templates MAC and PC Downloads
2pp Front Card Click Here To Download!
4pp Insert Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Cover Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Inside Click Here To Download!
On Disk Printing Click Here To Download!
Standard Amaray Cover Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Inner Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Click Here To Download!
Short Run Photoshop Templates MAC and PC Downloads
2pp Front Card Click Here To Download!
4pp Insert Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Cover Click Here To Download!
6pp Folder Inside Click Here To Download!
On Disk Printing Click Here To Download!
Standard Amaray Cover Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Inner Click Here To Download!
Tray Card Click Here To Download!